Waterford Treasures Talks – James Eogan, ‘Woodstown & Waterford: Viking Sagas’
James Eogan MA is a Senior Archaeologist with Transport Infrastructure Ireland. He has overseen many archaeological excavations in south-east Ireland over the last fifteen years and has lectured and written widely. He was executive editor of the recent book on the archaeological excavations at the internationally important site of Woodstown, Co Waterford.
Vikings are box office! In his talk James Eogan will recount the saga of how archaeologists have revealed the story of Waterford’s Viking past and how these discoveries are being absorbed in contemporary society.
Date: Monday 7th March
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Medieval Museum
Cost: Only €5 (which goes towards the Museum acquisition and conservation fund)
Tickets available in advance from Bishop’s Palace reception on 0761 10 2650
email: [email protected]
OR on the door on the night.
Generously sponsored by the Granville Hotel.